Oliver Mauss
Dipl. Ing. RWTH Aachen, Stuctural Engineering
Expertise: Structural Engineering, Project Management
Experience: > 15 years Structural Engineering, > 10 years Project Manager and Site Manager, i.a. DSD Stahlbau, MERO GmbH
Language: German, English, Spanish, Italian
Tel: + 49 (0) 211 1790 0171
Email: mauss@ibmauss.de

Hajjir Titrian
M.Sc. Duisburg-Essen University, Computational Mechanics
Expertise: Structure analysis, FE-Simulation, IT-Solution
Experience: > 10 years Finite Element and Simulation, i.a. Max-Planck-Institut, Robert Bosch GmbH
Language: German, English, Indonesian
Tel: + 49 (0) 211 8766 1370
Email: titrian@ibmauss.de

Vuk Trandafilović
M.Sc. Ruhr Bochum University, Computational Engineering
Expertise: Structural analysis, FE-Simulation
Experience: > 2 Jahre Finite Element and Simulation, i.a. Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Languange: English, Serbian, German
Tel: + 49 (0) 211 8766 1369
Email: trandafilovic@ibmauss.de
Projekt Partners:
For larger projects and specialized tasks, we cooperate with the following partner:
Biar Metal Technology
Ingenieurbüro Weiße
Ingenieurbüro Channel
KSI Consult
Dlubal Software GmbH
Proposals and suggestions for new collaborations are always welcome!